Brandon Lipchik’s Story

What motivated you to apply?

I really wanted to expand my circle of friends and connections in the art world on a more international scale.

Describe your works in a few sentence?

My paintings focus on the theme of the male nude using images from antiquity as reference. I manipulate this imagery using digital drawing processes which is later realised with paint.

What did you make during the residency?

A lot of experimental paintings! Oli’s residency was amazing because it allowed me to have the space and time to experiment as well as nail down some concrete ideas without pressure.

What did you benefit the most from during the residency?

Connecting with the art scene in London as well as time to develop my work. Oli introduced us to some amazing curators, artists, gallerists, and genuine people which I feel the connections will last beyond my short time in London.

How was the studio space?

The studio space was in a shared studio building with many other artists so it was a perfect place to share ideas and discussion. Oli would visit from his studio upstairs often inviting some collectors and curators and friends to see our progress.

What about London culture did you love?

London culture is wonderful because there are many people living and working in the city from many different cultures.


What was the highlight of your residency?

The end of residency show was a great experience because we it gave us an opportunity to invite all the connections we made during our time in London to see our own work.


When the London London bridge be goin down

Pantless uber rides with Oli

How was your tutorial with either Rosalind Davis or Danny Lamb?

Danny was an amazing critic. He was very insightful and really gave the time to ask questions about my work followed up by interesting input.

Do you see yourself coming back to London in the future?

Definitely 100%


We would love to hear what you are up to now/ what you have been up to since the residency.

Since my residency in London I have just exhibited my first solo exhibition in Paris during the FIAC week with Galerie Julien Cadet. In addition I have made plans to participate in another Residency in Italy in June 2019


Anna Kenneally, Desire Moheb Zandi, Okiki Akinfe


Lucille Uhlrich